Can Dogs Eat Raw Bacon?

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Meat is healthy and a key part of every dog’s diet. Even your dogs are looking forward to what’s on their plate and if it’s meat there’s nothing that could give them more pleasure than this. But this does not indicate that you can start feeding all sorts of meat to your dog. You must look into what’s healthy for them and what’s not like, just like you take care of your healthy meal.

What is Raw Bacon?

Bacon is a sort of pork, commonly made from different cuts of pork or belly fat and a less fatty back cut. It is typically served in small strips as a side dish. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Bacon?

The quick reply is no. To feed your dog you’d better skip the bacon. There are also more examples that it is not a safe food source for dogs, even though it is not dangerous and lethal. To be more specific, why is it so. Keep reading the article so you would know why you should avoid it.

Carnivorous Nature:

As dogs are carnivores in nature so many dog parents think that they can eat any kind of meat but that is not the case. Consumption of large quantities of fat could trigger severe pancreatitis.

Raw bacon may lead to:

  • GIT problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Bacteria and harmful parasites could be formed
  • There are so many other negative elements that could be in any other kind of bacon 

Why Your Dog Should Not Consume Bacon?

The grease and fat in bacon can cause some serious health problems for dogs. This is because it obstructs their arteries, causing a buildup that leads to inflammation (pancreatitis) of the organ–a very painful condition.

Plus there’s all those calories your pup might want if you don’t watch out. Makes me love my dog even more than before though doesn’t it?

The pancreas releases digestive enzymes into the stomach that helps dogs to digest and absorb food, daily. Pancreatitis is a disease that interferes with the dog’s digestion and nutritional absorption. Dangerous and uncomfortable signs could occur if the pancreas cannot do its job.

As per the Pet Health Pharmacists, small breeds of dogs are vulnerable to pancreatitis, including miniature swabs, mini-poodles, and cockerels. But larger dog breeds & older dogs may be affected as well. 

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Raw Bacon?

Confirm immediately how much bacon the dog has consumed and if has consumed it in greater quantity, then it is a matter of concern. Swallowing more bacon is harmful to dogs. If this is the case, please call your Vet right then and ask for help.

It is important to keep an eye on your dog and his actions that either he is doing or isn’t doing anything normal. If you think your dog has just eaten a little bacon, then no worries, just keep checking up on his behavior.

My dog ate a piece of bacon – What to do now?

If you see your dog has already been taken a bite of bacon and you are sure it was a little bit, just keep cool and watch your pet, if it’s good or if it does anything that’s not normal if it’s not natural or if the case is that he is throwing out. You should see the doctor immediately or call urgently if your dog throws out after eating. And next time be more vigilant. Be sure the dog’s consumed bacon is still not tainted. Call a vet and train the dog later to just feed out of his dish.

Is raw bacon bad for dogs?

Eating pork or bacon that is raw, for both humans and dogs is very unhealthy. When it is uncooked pork/bacon, it must be contaminated and must contain trichinella spiralis larva and parasites. Ultimately, this parasite triggers trichinosis infection. This infection will spread to people through the muscle on meats more than it will spread to dogs. Even so, if you think your dog has eaten raw bacon, you might experience such symptoms as:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Inflammation around the muscles
  • lack of energy
  • Stiffness when moving.  

Can My Dog Eat Cooked Bacon?

Dogs can eat bacon but in any way be it cooked or raw it is harmful to them. Some dogs are vulnerable to unhealthy foods in particular. If your dog throws out after eating pork, call your veterinarian and stop bacon further and be extra careful later.

If you want to treat your dog a little piece of bacon is fine and if it is cooked, it’s better because raw bacon is more harmful as well as could be contaminated. It’s preferable to treat your dog with protein, like cooked chicken or fish. But again, dogs do consider having bacon as a treat, so here is some safe bacon stuff that your dog could have:

  • Fruitables Whole Jerky Dog Treats
  • BIXBI Pocket Trainers
  • Many manufacturers produce low salt, low-fat bacon, or even turkey bacon, which lets you slip bacon into your dog’s diet every so often in 

They just include the flavor of bacon. It’s safe! Plus a treat for a furry friend. It could enjoy the flavor of bacon without harming itself! 

Healthier Low-Fat Alternatives to Bacon

You must understand what’s healthy to share if you plan to feed your dog with what you eat without concern about bowel issues.

In addition to nutritious foods — such as salad, peanut butter & simple boiled chicken, consider applying a probiotic dog’s treatment to the diet of your dog. According to the delicate aspect of the GIT tract of a dog, without any trial & error, it’s difficult to determine which diet can cause stomach distress. Probiotics come in that way.

Probiotic dog treatments encourage good nutrition and bowel wellbeing to keep the dog safe, comfortable, and in routine. If a pancreatitis disease prevents digestive enzymes, it helps to improve the wellbeing of your dog by including healthy bacteria and digestive enzymes in the system of your dog.

Can Bacon Kill My Dog?

Bacon puts the dog’s life at risk for pancreatitis, elevated blood pressure, bowel cancer, and obesity. Bacon has considerable grease and fat. Therefore, giving your dog bacon, particularly in greater quantity — will contribute to something like a stomach upheaval. The grease of bacon can even obstruct the arteries of your dog.

If your furry friend wants a bite of bacon, you know it’s difficult to tell a no to your pup because your dog will try to convince you by making cute faces, you have to deal with it. Bacon causes a severe health problem like pancreas inflammation, (pancreatitis) to your dog.

The pancreas releases digestive enzymes into the stomach that helps dogs to digest and absorb food, daily. Pancreatitis is a disease that interferes with the dog’s digestion and nutritional absorption. Dangerous and uncomfortable signs could occur if the pancreas cannot do its job.

As per the Pet Health Pharmacists, small breeds of dogs are vulnerable to pancreatitis, including miniature swabs, mini-poodles, and cockerels. But larger dog breeds & older dogs may be affected as well. 

While pancreas inflammation can affect many things, inadequate nutrition is among the most likely reasons. High-fat dog owners (such as bacon and bacon greases) provide their dogs with a great deal of fat food unlocks the gates to a wealth of health problems related to the illness.

Below are mentioned some more reasons why bacon is unhealthy for your furry friend.

Pancreatitis: Bacon is quite high in fat content, which is also the main cause of pancreatitis in dogs. Also, the kind of fat content that is present in bacon is saturated fat that is the worst kind of fat content.

And pancreatitis isn’t a minor problem, it needs surgery, may be lethal to your dog, and, while they recover, they will then be impacted permanently for the rest of their existence.

Major symptoms of pancreatitis are:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Lowered potassium levels

Pancreatitis is fortunately treated with therapies including potassium supplementation & fluid therapy. Better still, the prevention of pancreatitis. Play healthy and keep the dogs out of the fried foods such as bacon. Potential health issues are not worth it. Speak to the veterinarian as quickly as possible when you think your dog may have an irritated pancreas.

Pulmonary Disease Obstruction: As high content of sodium nitrate is present in bacon, it causes pulmonary disease obstruction.

Sodium: Bacon is also believed to have extremely excessive levels of salt, which can lead to horrific health conditions in dogs, including dangerously high levels of blood pressure.

Obesity: At extremely high levels of calories, bacon will add weight to your dog, which can contribute to all types of stuff like obesity, hypothyroid and cardiovascular conditions (just like it is possible for you and if you consume too much).

You should speak to the doctor to inform him about the condition if you think that your dog has eaten bacon taken without your supervision and that it has had all these signs in him/her (vomiting, diarrhea, and extreme stomach pain).

Major symptoms of obesity are:

  • you won’t be able to feel your dog’s ribs.
  • tiredness
  • always lazy
  • refuse to even play games

Can Eating Raw Bacon Make a Dog Sick?

Can Dogs Eat Raw Bacon?

Depends on the amount of consumption that how much of bacon your dog has consumed if it was in a little amount then you don’t need to worry about it just keep an eye on it if your furry friend is behaving well then it’s okay but if you notice any behavior that goes out of routine reach out to the doctor.

But, if you know that your dog had a larger amount of bacon, or the bacon he had is contaminated, immediately call a vet or reach out there, because this could raise a problem. Below are mentioned are some reasons in what ways eating raw bacon is unhealthy for your furry friend.

Pancreatitis: Bacon is very high in calories and the leading cause of pancreatitis in dogs. The fat content of bacon is also saturated fat, which is the worst kind of fat content.

And pancreas is not a trivial matter, it requires an operation, may be fatal for your dog and they will be permanently affected for the remainder of their life as they heal.

Pulmonary Disease Obstruction: As high content of sodium nitrate is present in bacon it causes pulmonary disease obstruction.

Sodium: Bacon is also believed to have extremely excessive levels of salt, which can lead to horrific health conditions in dogs, including dangerously high levels of blood pressure.

Obesity: Bacon adds to the dog’s weight at incredibly high levels of calories, and will lead to all kinds of things such as obesity, hypothyroid and cardiovascular disorders (just like it happens with us).

If you thought your dog had taken bacon without your care with all these symptoms in him/her, you would talk to the vet to tell him what it was (vomiting, diarrhea, and extreme stomach pain). Obesity in dogs itself can further lead to many diseases like arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases.


It’s better to avoid treating your fur friend with bacon when he can do without it, because having it in greater quantity could make it sick and that you don’t want, even some dogs are already allergic to bacon so a small piece of it could affect them a lot. Also, contaminated bacon isn’t well for them. So make sure if something like this happens observe them for hours or immediately call the Vet.

Maria Martinez is a dog lover who likes to write about different dog products. She likes to share those products which she owns and uses and provide honest reviews about them.

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